Hendre Road Petition

This petition is to support the widening of Hendre Road, Pencoed.

We the undersigned call on Bridgend County Borough Council to include the widening of Hendre Road in their bid for major capital transport investment to improve multi-modal accessibility within and through Pencoed relating to the Pencoed Level Crossing and Penprysg Road Bridge project.

Who's signing

Nuala O neill
Owain Johns
Victoria Hopkin
Sian Teisar
Laura Davey
Jeff Jones
Rebecca Williams
Jo Taylor
Dafydd Hughes
Sara Lawrence
Amy Ryland-Jenkins
Nicholas Athanasiadis
Rachel Vowles
Anthony Mann
Gareth Morgan
Kate Prior
Simon Costelow
Lisa Gammon
rebecca evans
Natasha Jordan
Matthew Coyle
Claire Lewis
Wayne Thorne
Curtis Baker
Kirsty Payne
Shelley Morgan
Audrey Wyatt
Lisa Cartwright
Malcolm Crahart
Louise Williams
486 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 344 reactions

  • Nuala O neill
    signed 2021-11-27 09:03:31 +0000
  • Owain Johns
    signed 2021-11-27 08:55:51 +0000
  • Victoria Hopkin
    signed 2021-11-27 08:54:23 +0000
  • Sian Teisar
    signed 2021-11-27 08:52:16 +0000
  • Laura Davey
    signed 2021-11-27 08:40:44 +0000
  • Jeff Jones
    signed 2021-11-27 08:32:05 +0000
    Hi Luke

    I lived on hendre road for 26 yrs and have tried several times to get something done on the road and our town council have done nothing . In the last 18 months I have had our mp to my house to try and get him to push for the road and it seems that he has agreed that it not getting done, so sign me up
  • Rebecca Williams
    signed 2021-11-27 08:31:50 +0000
  • Jo Taylor
    signed 2021-11-27 08:31:03 +0000
  • Dafydd Hughes
    signed 2021-11-27 08:26:42 +0000
  • Sara Lawrence
    signed 2021-11-27 08:26:13 +0000
  • Amy Ryland-Jenkins
    signed 2021-11-27 08:25:22 +0000
  • Nicholas Athanasiadis
    signed 2021-11-27 08:23:27 +0000
  • Rachel Vowles
    signed 2021-11-27 08:17:53 +0000
  • Anthony Mann
    signed 2021-11-27 08:10:49 +0000
  • Gareth Morgan
    signed 2021-11-27 08:06:35 +0000
  • Kate Prior
    signed 2021-11-27 08:05:28 +0000
  • Simon Costelow
    signed 2021-11-27 08:04:59 +0000
    please make the section between the traffic lights and the corner with salon chic wider to allow two vehicles to pass safely. Closing the rail crossing down the monument end will be disastrous for traffic through pencoed.
  • Lisa Gammon
    signed 2021-11-27 08:03:18 +0000
  • rebecca evans
    signed 2021-11-27 07:53:41 +0000
  • Natasha Jordan
    signed 2021-11-27 07:52:21 +0000
  • Matthew Coyle
    signed 2021-11-27 07:50:21 +0000
  • Claire Lewis
    signed 2021-11-27 07:46:22 +0000
  • Wayne Thorne
    signed 2021-11-27 07:40:20 +0000
  • Curtis Baker
    signed 2021-11-27 07:32:33 +0000
  • Kirsty Payne
    signed 2021-11-27 07:27:20 +0000
  • Shelley Morgan
    signed 2021-11-27 07:26:36 +0000
  • Audrey Wyatt
    signed 2021-11-27 07:17:33 +0000
  • Lisa Cartwright
    signed 2021-11-27 07:16:00 +0000
  • Malcolm Crahart
    signed 2021-11-27 07:12:36 +0000
  • Louise Williams
    signed 2021-11-27 07:03:03 +0000

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