This petition is to support the widening of Hendre Road, Pencoed.
We the undersigned call on Bridgend County Borough Council to include the widening of Hendre Road in their bid for major capital transport investment to improve multi-modal accessibility within and through Pencoed relating to the Pencoed Level Crossing and Penprysg Road Bridge project.
Who's signing
Nick Ford
David Baynham
Owain Jones
Jade Kelly
Ian Butler
Wright Michael
Tony Criger
Pauline Criger
Geraint Hopkins
Harley Williams
Anmarie Lewis
Sarah Tuck
Dylan Jones
Byron Butler
Ryan Harrison
Carl Francis
Jacquelyn Butler
Katherine Lamont
Helen Lewis
Matthew Richards
luke Carpenter
Levi Daniel
Spanswick Hannah
Catrin Davies
Keiron Conlon
Claire Lewis
Kathryn Cox
Debbie Jones
Katrina Harding
486 signatures