This petition is to support the widening of Hendre Road, Pencoed.
We the undersigned call on Bridgend County Borough Council to include the widening of Hendre Road in their bid for major capital transport investment to improve multi-modal accessibility within and through Pencoed relating to the Pencoed Level Crossing and Penprysg Road Bridge project.
Who's signing
Stuart Maidment
Rebecca Davies
Helen John
Sandra Fletcher
Carl Rowlands
Nicola Thomas
Chris Earp
Mark Wyatt
Jennet Donovan
Judith Butcher
Jason Pace
Karen Davey
Leanne Llewellyn
Mark Johns
Megan Lewis
Alison James
Corey Morgan
Neil Morgan
Leanne Cross
Kathy Burroughs
brev landy
Matthew Kenward
Haxley Thomas
Louise Curry
Regan Leyshon
Gary Adams
Ryan Evans
Barbara Peacock
Bryn Landy
Maria Balchin
486 signatures