Hendre Road Petition

This petition is to support the widening of Hendre Road, Pencoed.

We the undersigned call on Bridgend County Borough Council to include the widening of Hendre Road in their bid for major capital transport investment to improve multi-modal accessibility within and through Pencoed relating to the Pencoed Level Crossing and Penprysg Road Bridge project.

Who's signing

Tony Watkins
John Thomas
Joanne Powell
Lynda Williams
Miller Tabitha
Davies Wendy
Myra Thomas
Kay Jones
Chris Ford
Geraint Hiscocks
Williams Paul
Karen Hiscocks
Louise Dixon
486 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 344 reactions

  • Tony Watkins
    signed 2021-11-25 18:54:23 +0000
  • John Thomas
    signed 2021-11-25 18:52:09 +0000
  • Joanne Powell
    signed 2021-11-25 18:50:20 +0000
  • Lynda Williams
    signed 2021-11-25 18:49:32 +0000
    Widening of Hendre Rd way overdue!
  • Miller Tabitha
    signed 2021-11-25 18:49:02 +0000
  • Davies Wendy
    signed 2021-11-25 18:48:48 +0000
  • Myra Thomas
    signed 2021-11-25 18:47:16 +0000
  • Kay Jones
    signed 2021-11-25 18:40:39 +0000
  • Chris Ford
    signed 2021-11-25 18:34:44 +0000
    The way traffic has increased through Pencoed over the years with the building of new housing estates along Hendre Road this would be a welcome addition to the plans already put forward
  • Geraint Hiscocks
    signed 2021-11-25 18:31:32 +0000
    This has been needed for past 20 yrs, council keep giving permission to build houses but don’t think about infrastructure
  • Williams Paul
    signed 2021-11-25 18:28:14 +0000
  • Karen Hiscocks
    signed 2021-11-25 18:27:13 +0000
  • Louise Dixon
    signed 2021-11-25 18:25:03 +0000
    Hendre road is one of the main roads in Pencoed. It links the centre of pencoed to many housing estates. Apart from Coychurch road/penybont road I would say this is one of the busiest roads in Pencoed. However it only has a one way traffic due to the width of the road. With the plans to the bridge I can only see this is going to get worse. There is a piece of common land adjacent to the road, surely this could be used to eliminate this problem
  • Jordan Griffiths
    published this page 2021-11-25 11:45:19 +0000

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