Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) survey.

An important part of my work in the Senedd has been campaigning to uplift EMA from the current amount of £30 per week to £45 per week. 

I'm currently looking to gather evidence from those receiving EMA about their experiences with it. To do this, I have created a survey to collect data from students about some key areas of their experience in the hope that this will fill a glaring omission in the evidence base for supporting the uplift of EMA.

If you know of a student receiving EMA in the South Wales West region, please share this survey with them. Their responses are invaluable and will inform all future work I carry out on the matter. 

Diolch o galon.

To fill in this short survey, please click here.

In the future, I will be seeking to gather evidence on the impact that the stringent eligibility criteria for EMA has on those students who might perhaps need EMA and benefit from it, but narrowly miss out.

If you want to support Plaid Cymru and Luke, please click here.

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